Cochlear Implants

If you or a loved one live with hearing loss and aren’t getting enough benefit from hearing aids, a cochlear implants may help. Check our Latest Update on Instagram

Cochlear Implant Services

Neural Response Telemetry (NRT)

The NRT provides a simple way to directly record neural responses. Information from NRT gives the audiologist or surgeon confirmation that the cochlear implant is effectively stimulating the hearing nerve fibres in the inner ear and all conveniently measured within minutes. This is non-invasive, objective, and quicker and does not require sedation or the use of external recording electrodes. NRT can be performed during the cochlear implant surgery and at the follow-up appointments any time after surgery.

Switch On

Three weeks after the surgery, the audiologist will give your child the external device (speech processor and coil). It is the first mapping of the processor.


Mapping involves the programming of the device by an audiologist who has special expertise in the field of CI. During the mapping process, the stimulation levels of the I internal electrode array are adjusted ‘C’ comfortable and ‘T’ threshold level so that the user can hear the wide range of sounds that he/she may be exposed to.


It is not possible for parents and teachers to listen to a child’s cochlear implant as one would listen to a hearing aid; however, there are other checks of the equipment that should be completed by an audiologist.